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Actual: Bratislava/Trnava Region Youth Cup – youngest and older cadets (16. 3. 2025, Bratislava)

Next matches: Slovak Youth Cup – younger cadets (26. 4. 2025, Považská Bystrica, Vrútky)


short info

Ø table tennis preparatory school

Ø cadet competitions

Ø trainings fourtimes a week


table tennis equipment



update: 16.03.2025

© 2008-2025 TIGEO


About club

Table tennis has a rich tradition in Majcichov near Trnava, Slovakia. It has been played since 1949, it means this year we celebrate 76th anniversary of its existence in Majcichov. During this period there were two tops in table tennis of the village. Table tennis of cadets was in full swing in the 70´s of the 20th century (6th place in the highest Slovak league) and the 1990s and the beginning of the 21st century were great for men´s teams (the 5th place in the 2nd Slovak league in the year 1992 and 2000) and in contemporary the table tennis of cadets is the best. 

  Table Tennis Club Majcichov has 35 members (together with juniors and cadets). The activities are managed by a three-member committee. TTC Majcichov has two teams of men – TTC Majcichov A (3rd league), TTC Majcichov B (8th league) and three teams of cadets in contemporary – TTC Majcichov ATTC Majcichov B and TTC Majcichov C. They consist of the former and contemporary pupils from the elementary school of Základná škola J. Palárika in Majcichov. The pupils play a long time cadets competitions of Trnava region – 2nd league, 3rd league and participate in regional and Slovak youth scoring tournaments. Table tennis training and tournaments take place in the elementary school gym in Majcichov. Table Tennis Club Majcichov invites all boys and girls – from 5 to 7 years old, who are interested in playing table tennis actively, in training on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 17.00 to the elementary school gym in Majcichov.

    TTC Majcichov thanks all the sponsors, who help him financially or by presents, especially to the companies Dominanz, TIGEO, COOP Jednota and another.